Work Related Injury

Palos Heights Work Related Injury Lawyer

Work Related Injury

You Can Take Action for an Injury on the Job

Many people who have a work related injury do not report them because they are afraid of losing their job. However, it is against the law for your employer to fire you for reporting a work-related injury or filing for workers’ compensation. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the workers’ comp process.

I am attorney George Jasinski. For more than 35 years, I have represented the injured workers in Illinois. If you suffered a work-related injury, you may need assistance getting your workers’ compensation benefits. I can help. Simply call my Palos Heights office at 708-448-3100 or contact me online. Your consultation is free.

Causes of Work-Related Injuries

Delivery people, police, firefighters and EMTs may suffer injuries from lifting heavy objects. Factory and union workers are also subject to lifting injuries, as well as repetitive stress injuries. Construction workers and industrial workers are often hurt by tool and machinery accidents. If your work injury was caused by a defective product or a third party onsite, we may be allowed to file suit for additional damages.

Common work-related injuries include:

  • Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries
  • Back injuries and herniated discs
  • Joint and knee injuries
  • Repetitive stress injuries (carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel)
  • Slip and fall injuries

Even a seemingly minor injury can cause a lifetime of pain or lead to permanent disability. I can help you fight for the compensation you need to cover medical bills and lost income.

Help for Injured Illinois Workers

For a free consultation, please call 708-448-3100 or send me an e-mail. Personal injury and workers’ compensation cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. If I accept your case, there is no fee unless I recover benefits for you.